Please completely uninstall any other tablet drivers on your computer.
Windows OS:
Follow the video to set up the A610 Plus on Windows
- Download the latest driver from
- Right click the driver and choose "Run as administrator".
- Complete the installation and restart your computer.
- You will find an icon in the task bar after you install the driver.
- Click it to enter tablet setting and test the pressure in the test area:
- If you could get pressure sensitivity in the test area, the driver was installed well.
Mac OS:
Follow the video to set up the A610 Plus on Mac
- Download the latest driver from
- Complete the installation.
- You will find "PenTabletSetting" in Launchpad.
- Enter "PenTabletSetting" and test the pressure in the test area:
- If you could get pressure sensitivity in the test area, the driver was installed well.
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