Why is the indicator light not on after connecting the Coast 10 with my computer?




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    Abi Tegiacchi

    To whom it may concern,

    I am writing this because I cannot find any answers of what happened to my Parblo Coast 10 which I bought last year. It worked excellent until today, in this morning I connected it as I usually do, but only the red light turned on, the green one has not turned on yet. I have installed the latest driver's versions as is suggested above, as well as I followed the instructions written above and all the instructions aviable in this site but I cannot find why my tablet stopped working. 
    I hope you can assist me with this problem.
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    tiddy beans

    Abi, did you ever fix it? I want to know because I'm having the same issue.

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    Abi Tegiacchi

    @tiddy beans I couldn't make the tablet work, and I am currently searching for a place where usb ports are fixed.
    I was given (very nice and fast replyed) advices about trying a new usb cable, trying a different computer, and checking if the pc's usb ports and cable used worked, and they did work in other devices than the tablet, so unfortunately I couldn't fix my problem

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