Windows OS:
- Right click your desktop to enter Display settings.
- There are 1 and 2 in the top, you could click Identify to know what 1 and 2 separately represent.
- Click 1(Computer), make Change the size of text, apps, and other items 100%, make Resolution recommended.
- Click 2(Coast 22), make Change the size of text, apps, and other items "100%", make Resolution "1920×1080(Recommended)".
- Enter Tablet Setting from Start.
- In Mapping, select "Monitor 2"(Coast 22), Click Calibrate.
Mac OS:
- Enter Quick Setup from the tablet icon of Task bar.
- Go to Region Setting and choose "Monitor 2”(Coast 22).
- Click Default if the pen nib is still offset the cursor.
- If you want to adjust the pen yourself, click Calibrate. Default is more recommended.
Note:It is a normal phenomenon to have a slightly optical parallax when using the pen to draw in the monitor, because there is a thick glass between pen tip and pen touch area.
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