There is something wrong with pen calibration within the latest driver. It is extremely off, the cursor, after calibrating, ends up being 2 inches high and slightly to the left of where the actual pen tip.
I also have the same problem with my pen calibration. It's maybe due to that it don't have 64bit download because every time I download any of the mast 10 drivers it shows up as 32bit. I tried many different laptops and desktops with no results. At this point it's either that I have receive a broken tablet or the drivers needs fixing. please help us with this problem and email us for any updates to the drives.
I have check the new update of 2018-8-30 and it has fixed my offset pen problems. I recommend anyone to try it out if you have the same problem as I once have.
There is something wrong with pen calibration within the latest driver. It is extremely off, the cursor, after calibrating, ends up being 2 inches high and slightly to the left of where the actual pen tip.
I also have the same problem with my pen calibration. It's maybe due to that it don't have 64bit download because every time I download any of the mast 10 drivers it shows up as 32bit. I tried many different laptops and desktops with no results. At this point it's either that I have receive a broken tablet or the drivers needs fixing. please help us with this problem and email us for any updates to the drives.
I have check the new update of 2018-8-30 and it has fixed my offset pen problems. I recommend anyone to try it out if you have the same problem as I once have.
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