A610 Driver




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    A Randon (Alanyah)

    its a dead end. I'm not able to download anything. Please fix this asap.

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    Nobody Important

    Its a file, not able to download anything

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    Epsilon Xenos

    I'm on Windows 10, The file is downloadable but the window for the driver is cutting off half the menu. The driver seems to have pen pressure compatibility issues with software like Adobe Photoshop and Krita where the pen pressure doesn't work. I've had to manually fix it in the settings of the software I use or mess with the buggy menu of the driver this tablet came with. To name a few programs, Krita and Adobe Photoshop seem to have pen pressure sensitivity turned off, I've been able to turn on pen pressure sensitivity with Krita but it only created more problems that are worse and I can't seem to figure out how to fix them. I also can't figure out how to turn on pen pressure sensitivity in Adobe Photoshop because all the guides and tutorials are for Wacom Tablets. I've been trying to fix the pen pressure issue for about 2 days and nothing I did seemed to work, it's also because the menu for the driver is too small and I can't enlarge it to see all the options in the driver settings. Please fix this and contact me as soon as possible. I would be very cooperative and happy to help you in fixing this problem that is a damaging experience for Windows 10 users. To give you an example of what I'm talking about with your Driver's menu I will upload an Image to show you what the issue looks like with your driver's menu. 

    I can't enlarge it in any way, half the menu is cut off and I can't figure out what the other half of it is. 

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    Parblo Support

    Dear Epsilon,

    Please kindly follow the below steps: 

    uninstall current driver- restart your computer- reinstall the driver from our official website: https://support.parblo.com/hc/en-us/categories/360000467273-Download-Drivers - restart your computer. 

    If the problem still occurs, please email your issue detail to cs@parblo.com and mention your computer OS, tablet model. Parblo support team will follow up on your issue.


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    Kalebjoshua Coggins

    Will you be updating for Windows 10 build 1903? I cannot use my pen as windows 10 detects it as a windows pen; i.e. all pressure sensitivity is lost, the cursor becomes a tiny dot, and the pen is confined to the wrong monitor. I used to be able to disconnect the tablet and reconnect and all problems would be temporarily resolved. But after updating to 1903, even after reinstalling the driver, the pen does not work. Pen settings make no difference and the windows settings are abysmally restrictive. I cannot even disable the windows pen behavior. My pen has been rendered completely useless for its intended purposes. If you are not planning to update the driver, are there any workarounds?

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    Sergio Tadeu Lopes

    Baixei o arquivo,mas tenho que reinstalar a mesa sempre que desligo meu PC.Quando ligo,ela nao aceita as teclas que selecionei como atalho

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    Parblo Support

    Dear Sergio,

    May I know the operating system you use? Please let me know more details via sending email cs@parblo.com.

    Thank you.

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    Yoshiko Rin

    Will you be updating for Windows 10 build 1903?

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    Hello! This is my driver window. How do I know if an update is needed? My driver says it's version 8, and i don't know release date. On your download page no info about current version, only useless release date...

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    James H

     So I've had this tablet for about 5 months now and it seems to be working perfectly however a few days ago when i turned on my PC to use my tablet the Driver said it was installed but i had no way to access. I then uninstalled and reinstalled the driver and that fixed but every time i turn my PC fo and back on another day i have to repeat the same steps and its really frustrating does anyone have a solution to my problem?

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    Abdul Hajiyev

    Windows 10 1903 Can't use driver. BSOD error when enabling INK

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    Carol Phillips

    Seems to be a common problem... I have also installed and uninstalled this program... very aggravating to have the hardware you need when the software doesn't work... hopefully there can be an efficient fix to this or I will have to find something else... just a huge let down after being so excited to finally be able to try a whole different out let for my art.



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    I cant download de drive because my tablet is not detected

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    Felipe Normal Segundo

    ola, sempre que eu instalo o driver minha mesa digital para de funcionar o toque o "sensor de movimento'' e os botoes, isso começou a acontecer do nada poderia me falar como resolver o problema? obrigado.


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    Rain Rainy

    hey, i have the same problem as shaylahussein. it says connect your tablet while it is connecting. seems like it can not recognize my tablet. what should i do? please help


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    Rain Rainy, i dont know what to do.

    Until today I couldn't fix it

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    windows 10 (21H1 -22H2)

    tablet A610

    problem with dual monitors

    Monitors 1 i dont use for drawing

    Monitors 2 i use for drawing


    1) when i capture only monitor2 space for drawing   it's capture a littel bit of monitor1 ( like 20% of monitor1)

    2) when i use pen button it's teleport my coursour  on monitor1 for half second and click it on it

    It's not possibl to draw normaly when i have this issues

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    Also when i use mouse coordinate in tablet setting it's work fine but pen pressure is not working 

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    Ali bartlett

    I am having the exact same issues as DobleKai!! I was using it just fine last night then BAAM now it doesnt work

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    Iara Kōri

    Really need the Windows 10 version 1909 support, it's really annoying having to uninstall and install the drive every time the computer starts

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    Hi! I also have the exact same problem than @DobleKai and @Ali bartlett. Please help use. Thanks

    Edit : my setups are working fine now since I delete some windows update and restart the computer!!. But still, we need help for the tablet A610 to be compatible with the latest version of windows 10

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    Fábio 3D

    I'm having the same problem as @Iara and @Garreche... every reboot needs a reinstall. Ultra annoying. @Garreche, do you have any idea about which windows update should I uninstall to make it work? Thanks in advance!

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    Hi @Fabio3D

    Here is my windows version :

    " Edition Windows 10 Pro
    Version 20H2
    Installed on ‎04/‎03/‎2021
    OS build 19042.985
    Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.2020.0 "

    I think since march, I try to not allow any updates from Windows. I pause the updates until at the maximum date. And past that date, Windows will automatically begin to updates again. I have to be careful with that.

    Hope that help you.

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    Fábio 3D

    Thanks a lot, Garreche!

    I'll try to match your config as much as I can, to see if it stops bothering me... if, by any chance, it still doesn't work, I'll try driver of A610S (or Pro, dunno)...

    It surelly helped. Thanks!!

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    Miguelangel Andrade Padilla

    So, Parblo doesnt work unless you UNDO any kind of windows updates until it matches the right date of the last working patch for the software.

    Cmon parblo, i love your tablets, but you cant leave us like that, this tablet is still selling, how can you not show any updates here for 2021?

    Also, any other driver for any other tablet wont recognize it at all, only this one, not even the same tablet from UGEE with the same driver works.

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    Engin Özkan

    The tablet is not detected even though I connect my computer. I can't install drivers, please someone help me

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    Ma Pilar Ortiz

    same problem than @engin Özkan, please Parblo, can you help?

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    Is it possible to connect to Android?

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    Can Yuu

    Hello everyone 
    I found the working driver for Windows11. If you contact me on Instagram I can send you the file. @sxrius.12

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    Mertcan İpkin

    please update it for windows 11

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